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Kilburn Grange School

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We take attendance very seriously at Kilburn Grange School. Your child’s absence and lateness is monitored closely as a significant amount of absence or lateness can impact theirs progress academically and socially.

We request that all parents phone or let the school office know if your child has to miss time off school for illness or any other reason.

If your child's attendance drops below 95%, you will need to provide evidence to authorise any time off your child has from school. We encourage medical appointments to be made outside school hours. You will need to provide evidence of the appointment for the school to authorise this absence.

We strongly recommend that holidays are taken during half-term breaks or school holidays. We do not authorise any holiday requests during term time. If you require time off for any reason during term time such as a family emergency, you'll need to complete the absence request form, which can be obtained from the school office.

If your request is refused and the child is still taken out of school, this will be considered an unauthorised absence and could result in a fine being issued to each parent for each child: any absence that is taken without permission will be marked as unauthorised.

For further information, see the Attendance Policy on our policy page.