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Kilburn Grange School

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We Are a Green School

We believe that sustainability and education on climate change are a priority in order to nurture responsible adults of tomorrow. We involve pupils in many green activities, such as:

  • We have a clear travel plan for encouraging all pupils and parents to walk, scoot or cycle to school, with secure park on our premises

  • We encourage parents and children to walk, scoot or cycle to school wherever possible

  • We walk or use public transport during school trips and activities outside the school building

  • We collaborate with local park and allotment keepers
  • We have a nominated Eco Lead (staff member) who is supported by the School Council

  • We have created recycling hubs

  • We are currently working with local residents and with Brent Council towards a greener Priory Park Road.

We aspire to be as sustainable and green as possible; we are constantly evaluating and reviewing our green practices and therefore the above is just the start of our journey.