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Kilburn Grange School

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Friends of Kilburn Grange School

Engaged parents are vital to the life of a school, as they support the organisation of extra activities, events and fundraising activities.

Our Parent-Teacher association is called Friends of Kilburn Grange School, and brings together parents, staff and the wider community.

The group helps with fundraising for charities such as Children in Need as well as planning events such as our Summer Fair and discos to help boost school funds. The money raised is invested back into the school in various ways such as buying new books for the library and purchasing leavers' hoodies and yearbooks for our Year 6 children when they graduate from our school.

The association meets regularly during coffee mornings. All parents are welcome to attend as these meetings are a useful way of finding out about the school and ways that you can get involved. 

We are always on the lookout for new parents in order to support our school community. Do consider joining our group, we need your help!

Email n.khan@kilburngrangeschool.org.uk or info@kilburngrangeschool.org.uk to find out more.