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Special Educational Needs & Disabilities

Our SEND curriculum

Our SEND curriculum is inclusive, ambitious and designed to provide children with opportunities that prepare them for life at school, but also beyond the classroom: we ensure it is accessible but purposeful, in order to be fully inclusive.

We want every child to achieve to the best of their ability, and to do so we understand the importance of recognizing each child's strengths and weaknesses. We pride ourselves on ensuring that every child Learns, Enjoys and Succeeds regardless of their starting point.

Here are some common approaches we use to ensure that the SEND offer meets our pupils needs:

  • Individual Education Plans (IEPs): Each child with SEN typically has an IEP tailored to their specific needs, strengths and learning goals. The curriculum can be adapted based on these plans to accommodate the individual child's requirements.
  • Adaption: Teachers modify the curriculum content, teaching methods and assessment techniques to suit the diverse learning needs. This may involve using a variety of teaching strategies, materials and resources to cater for each child's individual ability.
  • Specialist SupportTo support our pupils that have more complex needs, we have an onsite Speech and Language therapist (1 day per week), an intervention lead (4 days per week) and Unlocking Potential Charity Emotional therapist (2 days per week). We also work closely we external professionals to ensure that if a child has a need that personalised assistance is provided to them at the earliest opportunity.

We have a dedicated team to oversee the SEND provision and curriculum across our school, and you can read more about our SEND provision and our Ready To Learn Room here.