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Kilburn Grange School

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Our Aims & Ethos

At Kilburn Grange School we work as one team to grow hearts and minds to learn, enjoy and succeed.

We have high aspirations for all pupils. We want children to leave our school making good progress from their starting point across all subjects, become independent lifelong learners, and respectful, responsible and caring citizens.

The aim for all children to learn, enjoy and succeed is shared by all schools part of the Bellevue Place Education Trust (BPET) like us. These three keywords underpin and drive our curriculum. 

Our six curriculum drivers are:


  • Expressive communicators: communication is the key to success
  • Enthusiastic readers: reading is the thread to access learning
  • Healthy champions: healthy body and mind
  • Inquisitive explorers: enriching experiencing that ignite a love of learning
  • Ambitious achievers: enabling every child to make good progress from their starting point
  • Developing citizens: respectful, responsible and caring individuals


Our Values

Wonder Enjoy        Collaborate Aspire Reflect Endeavour

Our school values are deeply embedded within all areas of school life, including our curriculum and behaviour for learning. The values are an integral part of who we are and who we strive to be. We want pupils to develop their character, self-discipline and learning habits, and we want to enable them to grow into well-rounded individuals and successful learners.

All our teaching and learning is underpinned by our core values that show W.E.  C.A.R.E. for ourselves, each other, our community and beyond.